Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rock for Hard Places

Inspired by Isaiah 43:1-4 from The Message by Eugene Peterson

God O God, I thank you for your doggedness, for your sniff ‘em out and round ‘em up determination, for your vigilance, for your watchfulness.

Like an astronomer, you scan the sky for a star that hasn’t been named, hasn’t been claimed, and on discovery shout to the world, “This one is mine.”

You believed in Israel, and in me, when we didn’t know ourselves, when we were a people enslaved and ensnared, when worshipping you had been bred out of our bones. Thank you for paying such a price for us, for being willing to wreck havoc in the world.

When we’ve hit a dead end, when we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place with no way out; you are there with us. Solid, firm, forever. Our rock for hard places.

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